God and Faith

  Jesus on the cross

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My faith is the "tie that binds" everything about me together. I strive to to grow in grace and continue my daily journey with the Lord. Since I love to be on the computer so much it was just natural that I looked for Internet sites that can help me on my Christian journey. I hope they can help you too.

Bibles The Bible is the most printed book in the world.  Come find out why.
  • -links to multiple versions of the Bible, looks up scriptures, passages, topics.
  • Bibles.net- Read the Bible, Look up the original Greek or Hebrew, Listen to Hymns
  • Bible Study
  • World Wide Study Bible An excellent resource for in-depth study of the Bible with a wide variety of Commentaries, Concordinances and other texts.
  • Bible Software for Palm-Read the Bible on your PDA (Palm or Handspring or Windows CE). All the reviews I read on it were great but I have just downloaded this. I will let you know if it's as helpful as it sounds
Feeding the Spirit Finding Jesus is only the first of many steps on our Christian journey.  We must also strive to learn more about him and be more like him.  Are you still a babe in Christ?

"God is in his holy temple let all the earth keep silence before him."

                                                                                                                   Habbuk 2:20   

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This site was last updated on August 27, 2001

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