In addition to trying to be one of the world's greatest physicians, I want to be an excellent homemaker. Yes, I know the superwoman complex, I can't help it. When I'm not reading Octavia Butler or watching something on the Sci-Fi channel I try to cook real food and keep my house from looking like it's just been through a tornado.
My children were born in 2002 and they will be part of the 21st century in a unique way. When I realized that my children would be born in the 21st Century I wanted to make sure I could tell them of their past , who their "people" are, and where they have come from so I started tracing the family tree back in 1999. I can now trace back their "lineage" back to the 1850's- nearly 150 years! I am still a beginner genealogist but I am enjoying the learning and the discoveries.
Recipes | -Some of
my favorite recipes have come from the sites below
Decorating the home (or apartment) | After I
started watching the Home and Garden channel on cable I
started looking for decorating sites on the Internet for
ideas on beautifying my apartment. Now I am slowly turning my new
house into a home with personal touches in every room.
Home buying | -My husband
and I bought our first home 3/2000.
It is a gorgeous condo in Finneytown in Cincinnati. I used the
sites below a lot to get a feel for what was out on the market.
This site was last updated on August 24, 2003
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